D· <D· <D· <D· <² ⁿ1 SCHEDULE C# PROFIT (OR LOSS) FROM BUSINESS OR PROFESSION# 1988 * 09 {■C0· (Form 1040)# (Sole Proprietorship)# OMB No. 1545-0074· # @SSN: {■C1{F■C2· #*P· A. Main business:# &|B. Business Code· # 9| {
{A· #-9|#-· C. Name and address:# #|D. Employer ID Number· # 9| {
· # 9| {
{A· #-P· E. Method used to value closing inventory:· # (1) [ ] Cost# (2) [ ] Lower of Cost or Market (3) [ ] Other {,1{,2{@,3· F. Accounting method: (1) [ ] Cash (2) [ ] Accrual (3) [ ] Other {,1{.,2{@,3· G. Was there any change in the method of valuation?#.
[ ] Yes [ ] No {B,Y{K,N· H. Are you deducting expenses for office in home?#. [ ] Yes [ ] No {B ,Y{K ,N· I. Did you materially participate in operation in 1988?#. [ ] Yes [ ] No {B
,N· J. If loss, is this business a tax shelter?#. [ ] Yes [ ] No {B,Y{K,N· #-P· PART I - INCOME:· #-P· 1a Gross receipts or sales#.'1a. {F· b Less: Returns and allowances#."1b. {F· c Subtract line 1b from line 1a#.!1c. {F· 2. Cost of goods sold and/or operations (Part III)#.2. {F· 3. Gross profit (line 1c less line 2) #.3. {F· 4. Other income .+ ..............................................4. {F· 5. Gross income (add lines 3 and 4)#.5. {F· #-P· PART II - DEDUCTIONS:· #-P· 6. Advertising#.
| 23. Repairs#.23| {{F-· 7. Bad debts from sales |#
| #.29| {,{F8· #-C|#-· 30. Total deductions (add cols. 6 through 29) #.30| {F9· 31. Net profit (or loss allowed)#.!31| {F■C3· 32. If loss, check box that describes# 32a. [ ] All is at risk {3;· your investment in this activity#. 32b. [ ] Some not at risk {3<· #*P· AM Software H838# For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions· ² ⁿ2 · · SCHEDULE C - Page 2# 11988 * 09 {■C0· (Form 1040)# (Sole Proprietorship)# OMB No. 1545-0074· # >SSN: {■C1{F■C2· · #*P· PART III - COST OF GOODS SOLD AND/OR OPERATIONS· #-P· 1. Inventory at beginning of year (explain if different) #.1. {D· 2. Purchases (less cost of personal items) #.2. {D· 3. Cost of labor. (Do not include your own salary)#.3. {D· 4. Material and supplies#.'4. {D· 5. Other costs .+ ............................................5. {D· 6. Add lines 1 through 5#.'6. {D· 7. Inventory at end of year#.$7. {D· 8. Cost of goods and/or operations #.8. {D· #*P· AM Software H838# For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions· ²